Processing US Dollar Credit

Processing US dollar credit

Processing credit

Processing credit is the method by which you can transfer US dollars from the balance on your Sansar account into the PayPal account designated in your billing information.

To process credit to your PayPal account:

  1. Visit the Process credit page on the Sansar website.

  2. Enter an amount of US dollars in the Amount field. This amount includes the fee described in Fees for processing US$ transfer.

  3. Select a PayPal account from the PayPal account dropdown. If no PayPal accounts appear in the list, you must first add one on your billing information page.

  4. Review and confirm the Process credit amount and Fee amount.

  5. Click Confirm to finalize the process credit request.

Requests to process credit may take up to 30 days to complete.

Fees for processing US$ transfer

Process credit requests during the beta period will be processed only on amounts over $10.00 except where otherwise required by applicable law.

A fee will be applied to the amount you would like to transfer. The fee is 1.5% of the amount you are transferring. Note: there is a minimum fee of $3.00 and a maximum fee of $15.00 USD.

Last updated