Marvelous Designer Integration

Marvelous Designer integration

Marvelous Designer is a 3D virtual clothing creation tool that allows you to design clothing by creating patterns, such as those used in sewing. Clothing made in Marvelous Designer can be manipulated using adjust clothing and transformation modes in Sansar's avatar editor, allowing you to customize the way your avatar wears each piece of clothing. For example, you could add a long-sleeved shirt to your avatar in the avatar editor, and then use adjust clothing to roll up the sleeves, smooth out bunches and wrinkles, or pop the collar.

Marvelous Designer clothing can be identified in the Sansar Store by the Made with Marvelous Designer banner that appears on relevant listings. While editing your avatar in the avatar editor, Marvelous Designer clothing is identified with an "M" logo on the clothing's thumbnail image.

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  • At this time, you can only adjust or manipulate marvelous designer clothing in the editor. This means that you can use adjust or transformation modes to adjust the fit of your clothing, but the final result will be "baked" into your avatar and the cloth will not continue to simulate while visiting a scene.

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