Streaming Sansar

We encourage you to get the word out about Sansar by live streaming your exploration and experiences. If you are new to live streaming, here are a few popular sites for streaming live content:

Launched as a game streaming platform in 2011, has evolved into the world's largest streaming platform offering a diverse array of streaming content featuring games, music, art, and more. official links and documentation

Launched in 2015, YouTube Gaming is a product of YouTube that specializes in on-demand and live streaming video game content. As with regular YouTube, you can subscribe to specific content creators to keep up with their work. With YouTube Gaming, you can also subscribe to specific games to follow content about your favorite game regardless of the streamer.

YouTube Gaming official links and documentation

Formed in 2017 by the merger of eSports streaming services Hitbox and Azubu, Smashcast offers live streams of video games, competitive eSports, and even live stock trading.

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