Patch Notes
The latest patch notes are at the top of the page.
46.0.00 (03/21/25)
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General Updates
Significantly improved quality of screen-space reflections along with improved performance.
Reflections have been changed to ON by default due to significant performance increase, option to turn them off in settings remains.
Mesh weighted to the head_attach bone will now be visible in first person and VR.
Requires changes be saved to existing avatars to take effect.
Deep color support. If you have a monitor capable of 10bpc color depth, Sansar is now able to display those extra colors.
This is complementary to the existing HDR support, but HDR is not required.
Payment processing implemented fully, Withdrawals are now functional.
Commission rate dropped from 62% to 0% you now get everything earned minus a small withdraw fee
Adjusted size of inventory and emote icons.
Updated Early Access Badge to better fit the style.
Add V-Sync toggle to the advanced settings panel. (It now also defaults to On. If you use G-Sync make sure it's forced to On in the Nvidia control panel and set to Off in Sansar for optimal performance)
Improved HDR tonemapping.
Added UI customisation options for things like color and transparency to most windows to Settings / UI
General render pipeline optimizations
Occlusion culling optimizations and fixes.
V1 of the customizable UI colors implemented in settings, you can now change the main color and opacity of your UI panels
Edit Mode Updates
Added editor property for minimum draw distance on a per object basis.
'Surface Snap' Hotkey changed to ALT+S.
Moved Surface Snap and Local/World transforms selection to the main object transforms panel.
Shader Updates
Added VAT Standard Shader. ''Vertex Animated Textures'' (See documentation for the Blender export tool).
Added Skybox reflection shader (Standard + Environment).
Added Skybox reflection shader: (Diffractive: Transparent + Multibump + Environment).
New VAT shader variant "VAT: Standard + Emissive"
Expose VAT properties 'VAT - Frame' and 'VAT - Step Rate' to the scripting system.
Shadows now work correctly for the remaining displacement textures.
Added toggle to blend/snap displacement animations when looping back from the last frame to first.
Added option to flipbook shaders to either 'ping-pong', loop or play once.
Added option to displacement shaders to either loop or play once.
Increase range for Displacement scale.
Added UV Offset property for the basic Media shader.
Update the UV Rotate shader property to now use degrees instead of radians.
Bug Fixes
Fixed banding issue within metallic gradients
Fixed guest and ban list not showing the names in world creation settings.
Fixed GI bake, all scenes should now bake correctly again. If you have scenes affected by this bug, re-baking is required.
Fix for inappropriate reflections on the skin and faces of default avatars.
Fix for misaligned add pass rendering for Transparent+Multibump shader variants.
Shadows now work correctly for the remaining displacement textures.
Surface Snap and world-space adjustment Icons now correctly sync with hotkey use.
Color picker UI snapping behind other panels when clicked fixed.
Avatar Scale slider being unresponsive fixed.
Featured Events on codex not working fixed.
Fixed a crash when pressing F7 while using the '-enableVR false' start parameter.
VR Changes
Increases the render resolution of the VR UI
Fix for VR hands rendering behind the UI.
Fixed the UI jitter than sometimes occurs when playing in VR.
Misc Changes
Rewording of some phrases on website.
Payment pages and some Account settings added to website, inc.
setup of payment method for stripe, delete account button for removing stripe details.
Account deletion and Email change buttons added.
Able to now convert USD's back to Sansar$ from the Process Payment wallet.
Many broken docs links fixed, Still more to go to update missing images and pages.
45.0.30 (07/31/24)
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General Updates
Scroll wheel now changes camera speed in edit mode.
New diagnostic mode for viewing the resolved radiance. (shows GI and bounced lighting effects clearer)
Added hotkeys in edit mode for the world-space adjustment (TAB) and the surface snap gizmos (ALT).
Script API updates
Adjust lighting range and intensity script API limits to match in editor limits.
Shader Updates
Add UV offset property to several shaders. (With toggles for AO and diffuse layers) completing the texture adjustment trio scale rotate and move!
Added an additional uv offset toggle for the Emissive pass on relevant shaders.
Fix non-functional 'Fluid Distortion' effect on the Transparent Multibump shader.
Fix 'fluid distortion' effect not applying to the shadow pass of alpha masked + uv anim shaders.
Fix for non-functional uv scale slider in screenspace shaders.
General Bug Fixes
Questing system back online, may require some testing.
Fix backpack spawn lifetime increased to infinite not working.
Small spelling error in UI.
Fix web listings losing the main picture when editing.
VR Bug Fixes
Now correctly selects the Oculus controller scheme when connecting a Quest via SteamVR Link.
Now selects the Oculus controller schema when connecting a Pico via Pico Connect.
Attempt to fix the UI jitter reported by some VR users.
45.0.28 (03/30/24)
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Bug Fixes
Fixed some broken links in game
Fix multiple issues with reflections being too shiny
Sansar Park should appear on codex correctly
Shader Updates
Multiple bug fixes for 'Fluid Distortion' effect.
Add Scale and Amplitude properties for the 'Fluid Distortion' effect.
Add Luma and Gamma mode toggles to Displacement Media shader.
Add UVScale property to the Billboard and Pixel Billboard shaders.
Sampler change for displacement textures.
General Updates
Increased backpack item lifetime to unlimited, items will clear on player leaving world or with buttons in backpack.
Discovery of Red and Green channel in roughness maps allowing creation of Anistrophic maps
New world template list now in alphabetical order with your own worlds appearing towards the top
Bundle purchases now directed to the web store
45.0.25 (02/19/24)
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HotFixes for last patch
Fix of flying mode not activating
Fix for glowing vignette when reflections are enabled in scenes with strong bloom.
Fix for asset importer error when fbx scenes contain more than a single mesh.
Addition of Clamp setting in new Media: Displacement shaders.
Asset importer bug for rigged items fix.
45.0.22 (02/16/24)
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General Updates
REFLECTIONS ADDED! Must be enabled in settings 'Graphics/VR' as this is considered resource-intensive. The reflectivity of objects is controlled by the existing Roughness maps; some objects may need adjustment if using maps that are too shiny.
FLYING MODE ADDED! Must be enabled by the world owner. Controls: Z to toggle, WASD or arrows for directional movement, C for down, E for up. Flight speed is controlled by avatars' run speed, so scripts can adjust.
Bug Fixes
VR BugFix: 3rd person camera control now enabled when in a sit point 'driving mode'.
Import BugFix: for the 'spin of death' asset importer crash when the fbx scene is too large.
Shader Updates
New Shaders: Media: Displacement+UV Animation shader and Two sided variant. This enables the option to use a media stream video for vertex displacement. Screens will need to be high poly for this to work, use sparingly!
Additional Side-by-Side UV split option added to this shader to use the same stream for separate color and displacement information; this must be set up in your video's stream and is a 50/50 side by side split.
Settings Updates
Reflections toggle added to Graphics/VR options menu.
Flymode toggle added to edit mode scene settings to allow control over flight per world. Defaults to off.
Disable diagnostics toggle added to edit mode.
45.0.20 (02/09/24)
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General updates
Driving mode created: you must now jump, crouch, or teleport to exit any sitpoint to allow scripts to use regular movement controls for vehicles. WASD mimics numpad inputs of 8,4,5,6 also combining 2 and 5 into S.
A new look has been added to the first time user avatar carousel.
Default gifting amount changed to zero to avoid accidents.
More descriptive error messages along with user advice when FBX import fails due to problems with the node names.
Bug Fixes
Umbra issue fixed.
Fixed crash caused by long bio names.
Shader updates
Displacement objects now cast shadows based on displaced verts.
Settings Updates
Option to disable all media streams added to Advanced Settings.
GPU acceleration enabled for media streams reducing CPU load, This can be disabled in Advanced settings if it causes any side-effects.
45.0.19 (01/29/24)
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general updates
Added advanced settings panel.
Finished implementation of multi-jump.
UI now draws at native resolution when running with reduced render resolution.
Moved a few settings into the new Advanced menu.
Additions to settings panel
FSR Adaptive Sharpening when running with reduced render resolution.
Clear cache button in the Advanced Settings.
Max/Min cache size is now configurable from the Advanced Settings.
Force Single instance toggle added (ability to open more than one gameclient)VR updates
Resized + relocated VR diagnostics button.
Bugfix: VR keyboard double typing fixed.
45.0.17 (01/25/24)
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General Updates
T Teleport Defaulted to OFF
Multi-jump created defaulted at 1 jump
Improved network packet handling for v4 packets
New diagnostic modes added: Unlit, Normals and Scale view
World Build updates
Added T teleport setting: [T key] teleport to freecam now defaults to off and needs to be enabled by owner.
Added Multi-jump setting: amount of jumps is controlled by world owner.
extra diagnostics views added to build mode also.
VR Updates
Bugfix: Chat panel appearance
Bugfix: VR keyboard being cutoff on login and ingame
Addition of 'Home' button to wrist
VR diagnostic view enabled and mode cycle button added to wrist
45.0.16 (1/16/24)
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General Updates
Improved avatar LOD 0 range to be further out. Note: Avatar requires a change to be saved in lookbook to take effect
Backpack updates
Shop button added (just opens store for now)
added sorting to desktop
Added buttons to clear spawned backpack items to VR.
added floating UI panel to VR mode
Shader Updates
Shader list reordered for new shaders Fresnal, Diffract, Pixelize, Screenspace. to be grouped together as 'specialized shaders'
Small shader updates and tweaks
New Pixel + UV Anim shader.
New Pixel + Alpha Mask shader.
New Screenspace + UV Anim shader. Note: Screenspace shaders are in testing expect changes to be made and any items made with them to need tweaks.
45.0.14 (1/10/24)
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Minor shader fixes.
Shader changes
'Fluid Distortion' wobble effect now also contributes to the diffraction in the 'Multibump + Diffraction' shader.
New color blending checkbox on 'transparent' shaders adds better color blending from the albedo slot and provides richer color in darker areas
45.0.12 (1/9/24)
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Fix for diffracted water not diffracting
New Shaders Added
Standard+Emissive+Screenspace Shader added screenspace shader has the UV images remain aligned with the camera regardlessly of models movement
45.0.11 (1/9/24)
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General Updates
Added a media screen to backpack, will only show existing media in world does not contain a media script of its own
Fix for "Standard + Emissive + Stereographic" shaders appearing blacked out.
Small fixes and tweaks to the Pixelize and Fresnel shaders.
New Shaders Added
New "Billboard + Pixelize" shader.
New "Multibump + Diffraction" shader. (To create diffractive waves on water you need only upload a normal map with the waves or ripples you require)
45.0.9 (01/03/24)
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General Updates
Basejump from freecam location with 'T'
Controller keybinds updates and fixes
Diagnostics enabled in homespace
Shader Updates
AO texture slots added to Opaque base shaders.
Displacement added to "Billboard" shader.
Bugfix for displacement texture accounting.
New Shaders added
Fresnel ("Standard + Emissive + Fresnel" & "Standard Two Sided + Emissive + Fresnel")
Pixelize ("Standard + Emissive + Pixelize" & "Standard Two Sided + Emissive + Pixelize")Diffraction shaders:
"Standard + Diffraction + Alpha Mask"
"Standard Two Sided + Diffraction + Alpha Mask"
"Standard + Diffraction + Alpha Mask + UV Animation"
"Standard Two Sided + Diffraction + Alpha Mask + UV Animation"
Bugs Fixed
New bugs created enjoy finding them
45.0.8 (12/22/23)
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General Updates
Added new backpack items and item removal controls
Increased intensity and range for point lights. They can now cover a 4km distance when maxed out.
Added fire 🔥 to the chat emoticons
HDR toggle without restarting the client
No chat panel auto popup
Enabled hand and head aiming when holding any object
Shader Updates
'After-images' effect is available for the "Emissive" and "Emissive + UV Animation" shaders. (Togglable effect per material with tuneable decay-rate)
'Fluid-distortion' affect added to the "Transparent + Multibump" shader.
Bugs Fixed
Fix for arms rotating inappropriately when sitting in VR
Increased server connection timeouts - affected some users with challenging builds
45.0.5 (10/10/23)
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General Updates
A fix for the snapshot function creating SDR images that were too washed out when HDR is enabled.
Fix for the harmless 'invalid format' error that showed up when importing new assets.
Displacement aware depth shader for static and opaque+emissive shaders this fixes the shadowed versions of objects being left behind when displaced.
bugfix for blank textures on two of the new shaders when going from edit mode to runtime
Shader Updates
Fixes for some displacement bugs. It should also interact more accurately with some post and lighting effects.
Add UV Scrolling function to the transmissive+multibump shader. Good for water.
You can now specify negative values for the displacement scale numbers.
Added 'Fix Shimmering' toggle to the alpha UV shaders.
Added 'ClampUVs' toggle to the alpha UV shaders.
Fix for an issue that caused coloured lines to erroneously appear around the edges of many existing alpha emissive materials.
45.0.1 (09/29/23)
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Improved handling of HDR should only be visible with it enabled in pc settings
Added many new emojis to in game chat
Improved script debug logging
Whitelist TupleElementNamesAttribute for scripting
Minor bug fixes
45.0.0 (9/20/23)
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The Displacement Shader Update is here!
General Updates
Added sorting to the scene list in 'deploy' menu
FPS Max raised to 200 (settable)
Greatly Increased AABB
Shader Updates
Displacement shaders, and Vertex Animation system!
UV rotation for texture maps
Addition of 3 more two-sided shaders
'ClampUVs' option for flipbook shaders that fixes the problem of flip book frames repeating erroneously
Fluid distortion effect added to UV anim shaders (wiggly textures)
Settings Updates
Default mic mute state on launch (mute/unmute).
Split render quality and render resolution into separate options.
Allow setting render quality separately for VR and non-VR.
FPS limiter controls (for both foreground and background).
Selectable max texture VRAM usage per avatar. For crisper avatars, or reduced VRAM usage.
Experimental HDR support. Togglable in settings. You must own an HDR monitor, and HDR must be enabled in Windows
Bugs Fixed
Bugfix Thumbnails sometimes fail to load first time when viewing personal worlds list
Crash fix when changing desktop audio device with VR disabled
Crash fix for viewing the desktop controls overlay with VR disabled on launch
BugFix Tiny avatar Ik sticking to over hanging surfaces
A fix for the audio crackling and distortion that still occurs when minimizing on some machines
Many other small crash fixes many removed gremlins.
44.3.0 (6/12/23)
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General Updates
IJKL keyboard control for the camera. Helps players with no mouse
Client directory file organization. Moved Dullahan to subfolders
Add launch parameters to force specific VR runtime - OpenVR/Oculus
Scriptable scoreboard alpha version
Improved finger tracking for knuckles controllers
Added two new emissive shaders
New Tiny avatars!!!
Bugs Fixed
Crash triggered by sitting in first person with VR disabled
Crash triggered by accessing haptics when VR is disabled
Memory leaks within JSON packed web service packets
Fix for several build errors when targeting Linux
Remove keyboard shortcut for diag panel in production builds
Speech graphics scaling fixed at smaller avatar scales
Crash when displaying a large amount of personal worlds
Crash when de-serializing an invalid object
Updated logo for spinning perfection
Prevent media screen connections to []
Force v4 sockets by default
44.2.2 (2/12/23)
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Small fixit patch
Fix for launching with VR mode disabled
Fix for the border on the avatar info box volume control
Fixed crash when using grip and trigger in VR
44.2.0 (2/19/23)
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General update
Added TV Mode, Game Streaming Mode, and Guest Mode
New TV Mode character control scheme
VR keyboard typing improvements
Bug Fixes
Reticle fix for the new UI scaling
Avatar info panel UI scaling fix
Login issue related to steam logins fixed
44.1.0 (2/3/23)
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General Updates
Individual volume controls V1
Doubled the maximum 3rd person camera distance
Full body VR tracking improvements
Added the ability to base64 encode launch parameters
Updated the default worlds to the all-new Sansar Park!
Bug Fixes
Avatar names displayed on top of UI panels
Blocked people are visible when they use dual login
Reduced the maximum grab distance in VR
44.0.0 (1/17/23)
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Bug Fixes
Edit mode list type crash
Edit mode Trigger Volume crash
DST bug when editing existing events
Prevent blocked users from unmuting each other
Sansar crashes when renaming an object
Recall searches in the Marketplace when going back
Non-English system language fails to load Sansar
Head deformation while dancing
General Updates
New users should teleport to social hub
Remove login Twitch + Steam registration (Client)
Use the starting world chosen in settings when leaving the lookbook
Disable keyboard shortcuts for simulation in the lookbook
Prevent usage of F1 shortcut while in Cinema Mode
Improve Xbox controller functionality
Support for non-parallel projection VR lenses
Create a keyboard shortcut to hide UI
CTRL+H hides/unhides UI
UI Scaling for large resolutions
43.5.5 (6/16/22)
43.5.0 (6/7/22)
00.00.00 (00/00/00)
Last updated