Deleting an experience or scene
To delete an experience or a scene:
Go to the My Experiences app.
Select the experience, scene, or the experience with a linked scene that you want to delete.
Click More Options for that scene or experience in the My Experiences app, which opens a popup menu.
In the popup menu, select Delete experience/scene.
Click Delete experience/scene.
This opens a dialog which prompts you to chose what to delete. Open the dropdown menu to choose from the following options:
Both experience and scene
Experience only
Scene only
Choose what to delete.
Click Delete to confirm.
Note: You cannot delete an experience or scene if the experience or scene is currently being edited.
What happens when an experience or scene is deleted
Deleting a scene or experience is permanent and cannot be undone. Below is a list of results when any of the following delete options is selected:
Both experience and scene - The experience will no longer be visitable and all Atlas info is deleted. The scene and its content are also deleted. The scene template will no longer be useable for other experiences.
Note: Always check if you no longer need a scene template, if the scene is not used in any experiences, or that an experience is not linked anywhere else. Once an experience or scene has been deleted, it can no longer be restored nor used.
Experience only - The experience will no longer be visitable and all Atlas info is deleted. The scene is not deleted and can still be edited or linked to another experience if desired.
Note: Unlinked scenes are listed at the bottom of the My Experiences app.
Scene only - The scene and its content are deleted. The scene is no longer usable as a template for other experiences. The experience remains with no scene and a new scene must be linked to the experience.
Last updated