Reporting abuse

If you find abusive content in Sansar, you can report it to us by using the Report Content app.

To report abusive content:

  1. Position your camera so that you can clearly see the abusive content.

  2. From the app launcher, choose More options > Help & Reporting.

  3. In the Help & Reporting panel, click Report Abuse to open the Report Abuse panel.

  4. Choose a category of offense from the dropdown in the Report Abuse panel. Currently, you may choose from:

    • Disclosure of real world information

    • Harassment

    • Hate speech, symbols, or other intolerance

    • Inappropriate content or conduct

    • Promoting violence or harmful behavior

    • Repetitive spam

    • S$ or US$ fraud

  5. Provide a description of the abusive content under Describe the issue. Detailed descriptions help provide context that may not be visible in the included screenshot.

  6. The included screenshot is automatically generated from your current view.

  7. Press Continue to report the abusive content to us.

Last updated