Sansar's Discord Server Rules

We have a Discord! Join us:

As always, the Sansar Community Standards apply here: Community Standards

Our Additional Discord Rules are:

1. Be Nice (Again. So be double nice)

2. Please respect the topics for each channel, you can find channel topics in the server's #welcome channel

3. No NSFW / sexually explicit content or language

4. Do not spam several channels with the same post. For example, if you a promoting an event, post it in one relevant channel.

5. If you are one of two users dominating the conversation in a channel, please consider moving your conversation to Direct Messages. Thanks!

6. If someone says something that annoys or offends you, report the message to the Support team and contact an @Admin if needed. Do not engage with them and start a flame war. Just walk away.

7. Share the love and have fun If you experience abuse please contact Support Via our Discord! AND contact an @Admin.

Suspensions, Temporary Bans, and Permanent Bans

Access to the Discord is a privilege, not a right. While certain language and images may not offend you, be mindful of others who may have a different reaction. Moderators will evaluate all posts based on the Community Standards, Content Guidelines, Terms of Service, and unique channel guidelines, and punishment will be at their discretion.

The general escalation path for disciplinary action is as follows:

  • Warning

  • 3-day Discord Ban

  • 1-week Discord Ban

  • 2-week Discord Ban

  • 1-month Discord Ban

  • Permanent Discord Ban

As a reminder, the escalation path is a guideline, but severe violations will be dealt with as needed. Disciplinary action for Discord server behavior may extend to in-game accounts where required. Rules subject to change.

Last updated